On 9 May 2024, in a solemn document (Papal Bull) titled Spes non confudit, Pope Francis announced the 27th Ordinary Jubilee or Holy Year to be celebrated from 24 December 2024 to 6 January 2026, with the theme Pilgrims of Hope.
One of the main signs of the Jubilee is a pilgrimage to the Holy Doors opened in the great basilicas of Rome and the Holy Land. Those making this pilgrimage, as a sign of repentance, conversion fo life and growth in holiness can obtain a plenary indulgence.
In order to enable more of the faithful to participate in the concept of pilgrimage and the Holy Year, Pope Francis also permitted the bishops to designate a church or shrine within their dioceses (without the Holy Door) to which the faithful could visit in pilgrimage and gain a plenary indulgence. On 21 November 2024, Bishop Paolo Martinelli, OFM Cap. designated St. Anthony of Padua church as one of the pilgrimage churches for Catholics in the Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia (UAE, Oman, Yemen). The faithful who participate in such a pilgrimage can gain a plenary indulgence.